Two new species of Lachemilla (Rosaceae) are described and illustrated. Lachemilla jaramilloi Romoleroux & Morales- Briones from Ecuador is characterized by its decumbent habit, villous-hirsute pubescence, long basal petiole, and deeply tri-parted leaf blades. The flowers are sessile to subsessile and subtended by episepals, and the hypanthia elongated and glabrescent. Lachemilla talamanquensis Romoleroux & Morales-Briones from Costa Rica is distinguished by its sericeous- villous, ascending branches, sub-sessile distal leaves, tri-lobed leaf blades, forming whorls with the stipule. The flowers are solitary or arranged in few-flowered inflorescences, with big, dark, villous hypanthia, containing several achenes.